White Papers

Fuld & Company Competitive Strategy Report 2016

Posted by | Fuld & Company

Competitive Intelligence Report & AnalysisUnderstand the leadership trends across industry sectors when it comes to preparing for and creating a winning competitive strategy

We surveyed competitive strategy professionals to measure their adoption and adherence to competitive intelligence best practices when it comes to executing a competitive strategy and creating meaningful differentiation in the market. As a result we compiled a state of competitive intelligence report, providing analysis of executive responses collected across a wide range of industries.

In assessing the strategic development and risk mitigation in today’s corporate environment across all industries, we found more than fifty percent of respondents report that their organization has not formulated a strategic plan that incorporates alternative scenarios and monitors indicators.

What’s more, with the top goals of CEO’s in 2016 being focused around growth in an increasingly globalized marketplace, all leaders can benefit from this competitive intelligence report to understand best practices in market defense and how to position oneself to best seize strategic opportunities.

Download the report to further understand the state of competitive intelligence. Through this research companies can discover the best and worst practices across industries to inform future strategy development.


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