Case Studies

Personalized marketing strategy to reduce customer churn

Posted by | Fuld & Company

Enabling data-driven decisions for the marketing team using unsupervised machine learning and optimization


A European beauty and wellness retailer wanted to reduce the high churn of ‘loyal customers’ using personalized marketing while creating a single source of truth for customer transactions.


We leveraged our data analytics capabilities to create a succesful solution for the retailer:

  • A single source of truth was built by merging offline sales, online sales, and customer ID data into a single data source
  • Customers where then segmented using optimization and unsupervised learning, and engagement paths identified for each of the segments to ensure highly targeted personalized strategies in future marketing campaigns
  • As the final step, distinct personas were created for the marketing team for each of the respective segments


  • The marketing team were able to develop personalized marketing content for each of their client segments
  • The client saw a 5% increase in annual sales from its targeted marketing

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