
Essential skills for Competitive Intelligence professionals

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Essentail skills for competitive intelligence professionals

The competitive strategies every company should know

Gaining a competitive edge requires extracting high-value intelligence about your competitors and the markets you operate in.

Our two-part webinar series, Essential Skills for Competitive Intelligence Professionals, where Mike Ratcliffe, Fuld’s Chief Knowledge Officer, and Michele Sachar, Fuld’s COO, will share core concepts and strategies in competitive intelligence. These sessions are designed to provide actionable insights, based on real-world examples and the presenters’ extensive experience as seasoned competitive intelligence professionals.


Webinar 1: An introduction to competitive intelligence

Learn the latest strategies to analyze your competitive landscape, explore the external and internal factors shaping your markets, and how to gain insights into your competitors’ strategies. Key Takeaways:

  • What is competitive intelligence?
  • Understanding the competitive landscape
  • Identifying market forces
  • The ethics of competitive intelligence

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Webinar 2: The art of competitive intelligence research and analysis

Explore advanced research methodologies to leverage internal insights, understand customer behaviors, and harness external information to build market intelligence. Learn about primary research methods to enhance your competitive intelligence capabilities, and the role of AI in research and analysis. Develop strategies to integrate diverse information into actionable intelligence.

Key takeaways:

  • Competitive intelligence research methodologies
  • Leveraging internal insights for customer understanding
  • Harnessing external sources for market and competitor insights
  • Integrating AI in competitive intelligence research

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These webinars are tailored for competitive intelligence professionals, market researchers, business analysts, strategy managers and consultants looking to elevate their CI research skills. They are also invaluable for decision-makers and business owners who want to grasp the importance of competitive intelligence and integrate it into their strategic toolkit. Please share this opportunity with your colleagues and teams who would also benefit from these insights.

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