Case Studies

How to Stay Ahead of Product and Go-To-Market Innovations in the Mobile Technology Industry

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A mobile technology company that offers real-time interoperability (RTI) solutions for otherwise incompatible mobile platforms and mobile networks faced growing threats from competitors in both product development and go-to-market activities. Working with Fuld & Company, the client was able to establish competitive profiles of competitors, assess threats, and get a handle on relevant industry trends.


The client faced more than a dozen well-established competitors around the world. At the same time, rapid technological advances and low barriers to entry had made it possible for new entrants to pop up  everywhere. Between the established competitors and these new rivals, the client had seen revenue decline in the segment.


Getting a handle on the market’s speed and complexity would require tapping into highly specialized knowledge possessed by only a small number of people around the world.

Despite the difficulty of access to genuine knowledge about the market, Fuld was able to uncover, among other things, the key components of relevant competing platforms, pricing tactics and philosophies, relevant strategic partnerships, product sales strategy, and product development challenges. On the customer side, we provided insights about the criteria that drove RTI vendor selection, how customers viewed various vendors, and other components of their purchase decisions. And in the industry at large, we identified relevant trends in apps, analytics, talent, and industry consolidation – insights that we presented to the company’s Board of Directors.

Benefit + Results

They acquired a baseline understanding of the competitive landscape and established an ongoing intelligence operation affording greater strategic agility in the face of rapid innovation.

The competitor profiles and threat assessment enabled the client to establish an ongoing market intelligence capability that was automated to distribute timely updates to the appropriate people throughout the company.

This intelligence, combined with our industry insights, positioned the company to make more fully informed strategic decisions in a fast-moving market.

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